tm_shape(World) +
# install.packages("cartography")
## Warning: package 'sf' was built under R version 4.1.3
## Linking to GEOS 3.9.1, GDAL 3.2.1, PROJ 7.2.1; sf_use_s2() is TRUE
## This project is in maintenance mode.
## Core functionalities of `cartography` can be found in `mapsf`.
# path to the geopackage file embedded in cartography
path_to_gpkg <- system.file("gpkg/mtq.gpkg", package="cartography")
# import to an sf object
mtq <- st_read(dsn = path_to_gpkg, quiet = TRUE)
# plot municipalities (only borders are plotted)
plot(st_geometry(mtq), col = "grey80", border = "grey")
# plot population
x = mtq,
var = "POP",
inches = 0.25,
col = "brown4",
legend.pos = "topright",
legend.title.txt = "Total population"
# layout
layoutLayer(title = "Population Distribution in Martinique",
sources = "Sources: Insee and IGN, 2018",
author = paste0("cartography ", packageVersion("cartography")),
frame = FALSE, north = FALSE, tabtitle = TRUE)
# north arrow
north(pos = "topleft")
# path to the geopackage file embedded in cartography
path_to_gpkg <- system.file("gpkg/mtq.gpkg", package="cartography")
# import to an sf object
mtq <- st_read(dsn = path_to_gpkg, quiet = TRUE)
# population density (inhab./km2) using sf::st_area()
mtq$POPDENS <- 1e6 * mtq$POP / st_area(mtq)
# plot municipalities (only the backgroung color is plotted)
plot(st_geometry(mtq), col = NA, border = NA, bg = "#aadaff")
# plot population density
x = mtq,
var = "POPDENS",
method = "geom",
col = carto.pal(pal1 = "sand.pal", n1 = 5),
border = "white",
lwd = 0.5,
legend.pos = "topright",
legend.title.txt = "Population Density\n(people per km2)",
add = TRUE
# layout
layoutLayer(title = "Population Distribution in Martinique",
sources = "Sources: Insee and IGN, 2018",
author = paste0("cartography ", packageVersion("cartography")),
frame = FALSE, north = FALSE, tabtitle = TRUE, theme= "sand.pal")
# north arrow
north(pos = "topleft")
# path to the geopackage file embedded in cartography
path_to_gpkg <- system.file("gpkg/mtq.gpkg", package="cartography")
# import to an sf object
mtq <- st_read(dsn = path_to_gpkg, quiet = TRUE)
# transform municipality multipolygons to (multi)linestrings
mtq_pencil <- getPencilLayer(
x = mtq,
size = 400,
lefthanded = F
# plot municipalities (only the backgroung color is plotted)
plot(st_geometry(mtq), col = "white", border = NA, bg = "lightblue1")
# plot administrative status
x = mtq_pencil,
col = c("aquamarine4", "yellow3","wheat"),
lwd = .7,
legend.values.order = c("Prefecture",
"Simple municipality"),
legend.pos = "topright",
legend.title.txt = "",
add = TRUE
# plot municipalities
plot(st_geometry(mtq), lwd = 0.5, border = "grey20", add = TRUE, lty = 3)
# labels for a few municipalities
labelLayer(x = mtq[mtq$STATUS != "Simple municipality",], txt = "LIBGEO",
cex = 0.9, halo = TRUE, r = 0.15)
# title, source, author
layoutLayer(title = "Administrative Status",
sources = "Sources: Insee and IGN, 2018",
author = paste0("cartography ", packageVersion("cartography")),
north = FALSE, tabtitle = TRUE, postitle = "right",
col = "white", coltitle = "black")
# north arrow
north(pos = "topleft")