
Showing posts from June, 2011

Nathans QGIS User Poll - Please take some time out to answer 

OpenLayers API test

Some experimenting as usual with OpenLayers

Geomorphology anyone?

"The scientific study of landforms and the processes that shape them". That's the Wikipedia explanation of what must be a fascinating subject. Like a lot of Open Source GISers I have an unnatural curiosity about phenomena acting on the earths surface and how we can model the changes it creates. I'm a huge fan of QGIS too but today the new version (1.7.0) just crashed on me for the second time so in frustration i fired up GRASS GIS to try and investigate more about the landform character of Neath and Port Talbot in South Wales, UK (the area in which I work, itself full of steep but small mountains). I've always been interested in obtaining more information from a DEM and the GRASS GIS Module 'r.param.scale' has become the focus of some experimentation for me, Why? how sad you may say... perhaps not many people outside the British Society for Geomorphology would ever come across the phrase. Essentially, it is about the 'characterisation' of the

Quantum GIS 1.7.0 Release announced

It's finally here...

test google maps api only

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Weekly Podcast Debates

I've always found the weekly debates between Adena Schutzberg and Joe Francica of Directions Magazine   a very accurate account of the industry, listen for yourselves, I think you'll agree.

Penn State Geospatial Revolution Video Series

The excellent Penn State University Video. Great Promotional Tool.

OSGEO Video Tutorials and Screencast Repository

Useful link to the OSGEO Video Tutorials and Screencast Repository.

New Servelet - Geojsp

geojsp is an open source ( GPL ) component that integrates geographic elements in your business intelligence infrastructure. This servelet requires a connection to PostgreSQL/PostGIS and an Apache Tomcat 6 Server. Details of this company can be found at the website link below.

IFSAR Radar Data

The presentation below will give beginnners an idea of what radar height data can do for them. Hope this is usefull. IFSAR

Visualising point information to reveal development trends in Neath Port Talbot

The following video is attempting to visualising the first year of Pre-application advice by a local planning department. Yellow and Green areas represent 1 to 2 advisory incidences whereas the Red and Purple represents 3 or more. To do this with any point dataset you need to query your data into monthly breakdowns then save each month to a separate shapefile. Use the 'v.neighbors' module in Grass GIS 6.4.1 (or from QGIS/Grass Plugin) to create a rasterised grid of each month then when the 12 months of data have been rasterised into one Grass View use the 'r.out.mpeg' module to export the 12 layers into one mpeg file. The final action is to use your favourite video editor to slow the movie frame rate down from around 30fps to around 5 to10fps. This video is a poor copy minus the legend showing the colour scheme and the months.

The shortage of spatial planning skills to deliver sustainable communities and regeneration.

Last week I attended the ‘Spatial Design Support: GIS-based analysis tools for urban design and spatial planning’ event at Cardiff University (UK). Hosted by Professor Chris Webster this CEBE (Centre for Education in the Built Environment) event was meant to review the current situation and look at ways of improving GIScience in UK Spatial Planning Education System. For me it confirmed my experiences working in an authority development control environment where there is little knowledge of GIS analysis beyond creating a defining boundary when registering an application and querying the same boundary for its constraints. My experiences were echoed by the delegates from Universities ranging from Queen’s University Belfast to Edinburgh College of Art. During the lunch break as I strolled through the corridors of the School of City and Regional Planning I couldn’t help but notice the plethora of eye-catching Ordnance Survey ‘Mastermap’ based schemes of urban development on the walls bu

Grass and the Python Web Processing Service (PyWPS)

Just thought I would add this link to Soeren Gebbert's video where he is demonstrating Grass GIS 7 working in the cloud as a web processing service. Brilliant work. Grass GIS 7 with wps-grass-bridge and QGIS