
Showing posts from September, 2011

Quantumnik - Mapnik output for Quantum GIS

What is it?. I didn't attend FOSS4G 2011 but searching the around 'FOSS' blogs there is quite a buzz regarding the Mapnik 2.0 release. Mapnik is a free cross platform toolkit for creating desktop and web mapping applications, it uses the AGG library which enables first class anti-aliasing and rendering with subpixel accuracy for geographical data. 'Quantumnik' brings this technology to Quantum GIS in the form of a 'plug-in'. More information about 'Quantumnik' and of Dane Springmeyer the creator of the plug-in can be found here: and for information about his work: Mapnik-utils (Python utilities and project home page)

FOSS4G 2011 This week

For anyone lucky enough to get to the seminars or for the rest of us who cannot, here is the url. Keep an eye out for the posted presentations coming soon.