Quantumnik - Mapnik output for Quantum GIS
What is it?. I didn't attend FOSS4G 2011 but searching the around 'FOSS' blogs there is quite a buzz regarding the Mapnik 2.0 release. Mapnik is a free cross platform toolkit for creating desktop and web mapping applications, it uses the AGG library which enables first class anti-aliasing and rendering with subpixel accuracy for geographical data. 'Quantumnik' brings this technology to Quantum GIS in the form of a 'plug-in'. More information about 'Quantumnik' and of Dane Springmeyer the creator of the plug-in can be found here: https://bitbucket.org/springmeyer/quantumnik/wiki/Home and for information about his work: http://developmentseed.org/team/dane-springmeyer/ Mapnik-utils (Python utilities and project home page) http://code.google.com/p/mapnik-utils/