
Showing posts from October, 2015

Opening a Map on the GRASS GIS command line (Ubuntu Users)

With some quick keying in skills (unlike mine) you can open GRASS GIS, set the region of interest, display a map with an ordnance survey grid change the colour table of the map and add a scalebar and legend. Why not try it yourself with one of your maps and substitute 'mosaic' with your own map name. Open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) Type 'grass70' Grass GIS will open Type:- g.region rast=mosaic -p;d.mon wx0;d.rast mosaic;d.grid size=10000;r.colors mosaic col=gyr;d.redraw;d.barscale at=5,90;d.legend mosaic at=70,15,5,10 #then press 'return' key# Remember when one process follows after another MMP; - M odule M ap P arameter ;M odule M ap P arameter ;M odule M ap P arameter ;

QGIS User Group (Wales) 6th October 2015

It's a pleasure to be asked to speak at this event. Who would have thought that Wales (UK) would be one of the first areas to acknowledge there are perfectly good (and free) alternatives to the big player. Finally, the message is out there. Lets hope it's an even bigger event in 2016. Processing Landsat 8 Multi-Spectral Images with Grass Tools & the potential of the 'QGIS-GRASS-PLUGIN'