Looking for a single board low cost 'travel' laptop for everyday web surfing?
I was looking for a raspberry pi laptop, the idea that you can have a single board computer with every component inside screwed down and thus being upgradable in the future, I might for example upgrade the pi with a newer board or with add-on modules for different functionality such as a bigger 'SSD' but all I could find was this type of thing... not exactly what I had in mind. The 'PiTop' I started to 'google' around the subject and to think about other scenarios, what if I could have a single board mobile phone that I can install any linux operating system onto then connect peripherals via bluetooth or a tablet that can boot from a microSDHC card and be rid of 'Google' spyware and a laptop that looks like a laptop with decent battery life, runs Ubuntu, and costs little more than an M+S multi-packet of crisps. Well... I found all I need with ' Pine64.org ' that is a very very interesting prospect because I believe that technolo...