
Showing posts from 2018

Proud to be a sponsor of UBports

I'm extremely proud that I can play a very small part in this amazing project to get Ubuntu Touch on Mobile devices.

How to install Postgresql-10 and PostGIS-2.4 on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) in six easy steps (updated 26-11-2018).

Install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) 1. check your Ubuntu version:- lsb_release -a Install Postgresql 2. On the server or your PC (Terminal):- sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install -y postgresql postgresql-contrib Create a database and a user for access Replace  DATABASE_NAME_HERE  and  USER_NAME_HERE  with the values you want to use. # this will prompt you for a database password...also note the capital letter 'O' not number '0' (zero) below:- 3. sudo -u postgres createuser -P USER_NAME_HERE sudo -u postgres createdb -O USER_NAME_HERE DATABASE_NAME_HERE Test Connection to Postgresql 4. psql -h localhost -U USER_NAME_HERE DATABASE_NAME_HERE Postgresql will ask you for your password. Then you should see the following: DATABASE_NAME_HERE => To exit type:- \q To add PostGIS-2.4 support to the database 5. sudo apt-get install -y postgis postgresql-10-postgis-2.4 sudo -u postgres psql -c "CREATE EXTENS...

Selecting and extracting subtle landscape changes to a shapefile using Grass GIS and QGIS


vrt2GeoPackage Rasters

My previous post didn't mention how to setup the Ordnance Survey layers (or any other raster and vector combination) in a single GeoPackage from virtual rasters, so I thought i would elaborate on the 'gdal_translate' part. It's quite can simply cut and paste this command in Linux or Windows. Remember to substitute with your own paths with your virtual raster layers. The advantages of the GeoPackage format in QGIS3 are not only speed of map scrolling and zooming but the ability to store (in a database table) your map 'styles' and zoom levels (for vector layers) within when needing to work offline or with Qfield. Also remember that you do not need to include the .vrt extension. Before you start install and open QGIS 3.0 and then open the 'Browser' and select 'GeoPackage' then right click 'Create database'. You will then see the panel below. Enter a database name for your new GeoPackage and leave everything else as ...

GeoPackage Ordnance Survey Data for QGIS 3


GeoPackage with Rasters


Passenger Drone - Initial Trials of the Ehang 184 AAV