QGIS vs ARCGIS The gap is closing...

I've been messing around with the 'gtrendsR' package to see how the big two 'GIS' packages are squaring up on google searches. It shows a slow but steady improvement for 'QGIS' but a 'spike' in 'ArcGIS' too in early 2020. Will try to get some more detailed 'monthly' analysis asap.

Updated: 14:56 pm Tue 9th June 2020

RStudio code:-

# You only need to change "QGIS" and "ARCGIS" to alternative google 'keywords'
# Assign 'QGIS' and 'ARCGIS' to 'res'
res <- gtrends(c("QGIS", "ARCGIS"))
# Assign 'res$interest_over_time' to 'iot'
iot <- res$interest_over_time
# Assign 'iot (and then) filter date' to 'iot2020'
iot2020 <- iot %>%
  filter(date > as.Date("2015-01-01"))
# Assign 'iot2020' to 'ggplot'
iot2020 %>%
  ggplot() + geom_line(aes(x = date,
                           y = hits,
                           color = keyword)) +
  theme_minimal() +
  labs(title = "QGIS vs ARGIS 2015-2020",
       subtitle = "Google Trends Report",
       caption = "Courtesy: gtrendsR package")


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